Last week I
attended the 8th annual Come to the Fire conference.* Hundreds of
women from across the U.S. gathered together to worship God, to pray, learn
from anointed speakers, and to seek healing.
Women came
forward, single file, eager for healing. I listened to their stories and prayed.
Dabbing anointing oil on each forehead, I made the sign of the cross. I trusted Jesus to touch their afflictions: physical
illness, shattered relationships, and loneliness. At times I observed discouragement
and sadness lift. For many, past sins pressed a guilty message upon their heart.
Yes, those women
had confessed their sins. Some asked for forgiveness for the same sin time and
time again. Guilt remained. They believed Jesus forgives. But, sadly, they couldn't forgive themselves.
Like dent marks, past transgressions stamped their thoughts and feelings, leaving
negative impressions about themselves.