Saturday, January 11, 2014

What Real Life Looks Like and How to Find It

I heard that voice again. Suavely proposing that real life is merely getting and gaining more, to impress others and please myself.

What happens when I gain all the gadgets and pricey high tech devices I want?  When I claim life as my own?  When I use it to benefit myself?

Is real living truly about gaining the whole world?    
That version of real life strokes my ego; it makes myself appear righteous.
_ It insists real living must use precious people to serve me. 
_ I must have your good opinion.
_ I live to self-indulge and serve my purposes.

I know better! That voice, an impostor, grates on the truth!

I see what happens. The impostor wins and life turns stressful. Jealousy drains the soul. Right becomes confusing and sometimes wrong.

So how is real life found?

“I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So, I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

Real life…death to self…life in Christ. Sounds quite radical, because it is!

Real life is found in living a life…of faith. Faith that leans entirely on God, in absolute trust and confidence in His power… wisdom… and goodness.

Real life happens when I “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourselves" (Philippians 2:3).

It happens when I, “become a servant of all.” Self abhors that kind of living, when I take second, third, sometimes last place. (Matthew 23:11-12)                                                  

Doesn't Jesus deserve full rights on my life? Your life?

I see His stretched open hands that bore the spikes. What love! Christ’s love-gift, a gruesome death on the cross for me, and for you. His love reaches to all lengths, heights, widths, and depths.

Jesus’ love compels me to die, and give Him full rights to live in me. That’s real life. It’s an adventure, safely free falling into God’s hands because all power is in the palm of His hand. 

Why wouldn’t we trust God?  “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:32)

Real life is more than Jesus living with us. He lives in us. He calls Himself the “bridegroom” that takes up you and me, His bride, into His inner chambers. His love language exceeds the others, “You have stolen my heart…my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes…” Song of Songs 4:9.

The beautiful thing is that our gracious God never forgets He lives in us…when we’re bent over with weighty demands and fearful of future shadows, tripping over life’s messes. That's when His life in us lifts off burdens, adjusts the crooked spine. And once again, we walk tall and strong in Him.

“Your new life, which is your real life … is with Christ. He is your life.” (Colossians 3: 3)


  1. While I agree with m ost of what you say, I disagree with where you say that other people msut be cosndiered etter than yourself. God is obvioulsy a million times better htan us, but othe rpeople ar enot better than us, themselves (hopefully) living by the same principles you advocate here.

  2. Thank you for this great reminder, Pam! My life is in not found in myself; true life is found IN CHRIST. I find the more of myself I hand over to him, the more my life is becoming joyful and adventurous. Everything within us fights handing over control because we are fearful. But He really is a GOOD Father!!! <3

  3. God's perfect love casts out fear. May we experience God's love more and more so that it becomes natural for us to hand HIM the reins. Blessing to you, Rebecca.

  4. Well said! It's the real life we all need to have real love, joy and peace.

  5. Yes, receiving His love, joy and peace is living the abundant life!
