Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rescued from Satan's Grip

You and I will face death one day. After death, either an eternity of heaven or hell awaits us.  The good news is that Christ came to set us free from hell. Free from the fear of death. Debra tells, in this true story, how her husband was rescued from Satan’s grip.      

For many years I prayed for Brian’s soul to be saved. The week before his death my worn faith had nearly given up. But God didn't.

The afternoon before my husband died, my sister, Pam, joined me at Brian’s bedside. When I fell asleep on the couch, Pam asked the Holy Spirit to fill our home. At that moment, a white dove perched on the bird feeder, tap-tap-tapping the bay window and it was peering in at Brian. Pam gasped. Then she heard, “It’s OK. He’s mine.”

Never before or since had a white dove come near our house. A white dove symbolizes peace and love. Spiritually speaking, it’s a sign from the Holy Spirit.

That evening fear tormented my husband. Horror distorted his face. He stared at the ceiling wide-eyed, his arms flinging upward to protect himself. Brian couldn't talk when I asked him what he saw. Gently squeezing his hand calmed him, but only until the next terrifying vision. Would Brian spend eternity in this frame of mind, I asked God. I told Brian I loved him and said good night. To my amazement, he said “good-night,” the only words he had spoken in two days.

The next morning, Brian was dead, but he was looking up and smiling …an open mouthed smile. I still hadn't grasped the reality of Brian’s transformation.

When the nurse arrived, I said I regretted that Brian never came to the Lord. She remarked, "You know, Deb, I have only seen one other patient in my career die with a smile on their face".

“What about Christians?"  I asked.

"They know where they are going,” she said. “They die with a peaceful, relaxed look on their face. I don't think someone smiles when they know they are going to a bad place."

I lost it. The truth struck me that God had reached Brian’s mind, heart and soul within minutes of eternity. My husband was in heaven! Although Brian couldn't talk the last few hours of his life, he could repent. God gave him that capacity until his last breath. Many, many prayed that Brian would have a significant dream or vision. God answered those prayers … even my worn faith prayers.

I cried thankful tears. I joined the angels in heaven, rejoicing, feeling how they must feel when a lost soul is saved. (Luke 15:7) God gave me my heart’s desire: God’s grace rescued Brian.

I loved Brian so much; a piece of my heart went with him. But death is not final. It is only a temporary separation. Heaven is our true and lasting home. I’m looking forward to it. Until then, the Lord of heaven is holding me.

“…by His [Christ’s] death He might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death," Hebrews 2:14-15.  


  1. Praise God for hearing and answering our prayers, especially the prayer for salvation of a loved one. Thanks for sharing Your friends story about Brian. It really touched me, especially about the white dove. When moving into the home we are now, my husband saw a white dove perched on our roof. He commented that the Holy Spirit of God was with us in our new home. This means a lot to me right you know. It was good to see you and John at Homer's. Blessings, Charmé

  2. This is beautiful and the perfect testimony to share with my friend, who just watched a very similar process with her father-in-law. Thank you for sharing!
